Navigating the Ups and Downs of Startups, from Rapid Growth to Remote Leadership

Amir Nathoo (Co-Founder and Head of Outschool)

Amir Nathoo, co-founder of Outschool, initially joined Leaders in Tech because of his deep-rooted belief in self-improvement, recognizing the need to evolve personally to drive his company's success.

“I realized taking Outschool public was not going to be possible without significantly up-leveling myself as a leader. What implicitly stood out to me was that Leaders In Tech came not only with strong recommendations from investors, but also rave reviews from other participants.”

At the core of Amir's motivations was a desire to bridge a perceived gap in his interpersonal skills, particularly in navigating relationships within his startup team. The intense T-Group experience at LIT led to a profound awareness of the relational dynamics at play in the workplace, shifting his focus from a purely task-oriented direction to a more holistic understanding of team dynamics and influence.

“If I compare myself before and after LIT, I was extremely focused on execution. There was a lack of awareness of what else was going on for me and others. LIT gave me the ability to practice empathy, and helped me understand that connection is a large part of influence and motivation.“

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic thrust Amir and Outschool into a whirlwind of opportunities and challenges. Almost overnight the company experienced unprecedented growth, tripling its operations as schools shut down and demand for online education soared. Amid this rapid scaling, Amir faced the daunting task of transitioning the entire company online in record time.

“The skills I learned at LIT were critical during that unique and challenging time. Our success in growing the team, maintaining cohesion, retaining the team, and serving customers at the scale that we did, was all greatly helped by the relational awareness and empathy I developed through LIT.”

As the company navigated the challenges of remote work and rapid growth, Amir encountered yet another test of his leadership: the need to make difficult decisions regarding layoffs. He found support in his tight-knit community. The bonds he formed with fellow founders provided a deeply trusted sounding board for navigating the complexities of leadership during these unprecedented times.

“Going through the T-Group experience first forged a much more accelerated, deeper connection that would otherwise have taken years to create. I don't know what I would have done without it because it's such a unique support system: a combination of personal support with a real deep understanding of what it is to lead under those circumstances.”

Amir approached his layoffs with compassion and transparency, prioritizing his team's well-being while ensuring the company's future sustainability. This approach led to exceptional employee retention and laid the groundwork for the highly engaged culture that exists today.

Amir's experience with LIT not only shapes his leadership approach but also continues to influence Outschool’s product and mission. His journey exemplifies the transformative power of authentic leadership, engagement and continuous learning in the face of adversity, guiding how Outschool supports teachers and students. By integrating the insights gained from Leaders in Tech, he not only navigated Outschool through significant challenges, but established a foundation for long-term success and impact.