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“This was a mind blowing, impactful experience. I think I learned more about myself in that one weekend than I have over the last 8 years.”
“This is the best thing a leader could do for their company.”
“LIT stands out as the most exceptional leadership development program I’ve ever had the privilege of participating in… Without reservation, I wholeheartedly recommend this program to anyone seeking to enhance their leadership skills and interpersonal relationships.”
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The majority of our participants have their companies pay for their enrollment, as they would with an executive coach. We’ve included some sample emails below with information that you can share with your team or Board.
Dear [Board Members],
I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to share that I am considering investing in my attendance of the Leaders in Tech Fellows program, which I believe holds significant value for our company's growth and future success.
Leaders in Tech Fellows is a 10-month program for leaders of high growth tech companies who are committed to building high performing and culturally healthy organizations. Participants in Leaders in Tech programs become more powerful and persuasive leaders by learning to develop the interpersonal competencies that are critical both for professional success and personal fulfillment.
Some highlights:
Program NPS of 92
85% of past Fellows participants state that their participation had a measurable impact on their effectiveness as a leader.
Over 90% of Leaders in Tech Fellows report a positive impact on their company culture.
The program cost of $19,850 is roughly the cost of an executive coach, with arguably much more impact on the company.
Stated outcomes of my participation include:
Strategic Advantage: Interpersonal skills and competence is a known determinant of professional (and personal) success. By investing in these skills, I will experience exercising influence in a positive way; I will gain the skills I need to build a feedback rich organization and become more effective in the management of my team.
Long-term Team Building and Talent Retention: Gaining these skills as a leader will give me the skillset to not only assess and attract high caliber talent, but it will also assist me in retaining top talent over the coming critical years. LIT will also help me learn how to develop others on my team with the same competencies.
Enhanced Performance and Productivity: Equipping me [or our leaders] with advanced management skills and insights will directly impact our company's performance. The program focuses on refining leadership styles, fostering effective communication, and optimizing team dynamics, resulting in increased productivity and more cohesive, efficient teams.
Community and Collaboration: Leaders in Tech Fellows is a curated community of founders and CEOs. Participation in this program provides an unparalleled opportunity to connect with leaders and peers from diverse backgrounds that can serve as a valuable resource for partnerships, collaborations, and sharing best practices.
The financial investment in Leaders in Tech is an investment in the future sustainability and culture of our company. The return on this investment will not only be evident in the short term through improved executive team leadership but will also yield long-term benefits by fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth.
Thank you for your consideration and support. I am open to discussing this further at your convenience and providing additional information to address any questions or concerns you may have.
Dear [Board Members],
I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to share that I am considering participating in a 4-Day Intensive Retreat with Leaders in Tech, which I believe holds significant value for our company's growth and future success.
The Leaders in Tech Retreats is an accelerated, experiential learning program focused on discovering when and how you are most influential, how others really think and feel about how you act, and how you lead. Participants in Leaders in Tech programs become more powerful and persuasive leaders by learning to develop the interpersonal competencies that are critical both for professional success and personal fulfillment.
Some highlights:
Program NPS of 88
70% of past participants state that their participation had a measurable impact on their effectiveness as a leader.
90% of Leaders in Tech participants report a positive impact on their company culture.
The program cost of [$5,000-$8,000] is roughly the cost of a management course, but with much deeper impact in a shorter period of time.
Stated outcomes of my participation include:
Strategic Advantage: Interpersonal skills and competence is a known determinant of professional (and personal) success. By investing in these skills, I will experience exercising influence in a positive way; I will gain the skills I need to build a feedback rich organization and become more effective in the management of my team.
Long-term Team Building and Talent Retention: Gaining these skills as a leader will give me the skillset to not only assess and attract high caliber talent, but it will also assist me in retaining top talent over the coming critical years. LIT will also help me learn how to develop others on my team with the same competencies.
Enhanced Performance and Productivity: Equipping me [or our leaders] with advanced management skills and insights will directly impact our company's performance. The program focuses on refining leadership styles, fostering effective communication, and optimizing team dynamics, resulting in increased productivity and more cohesive, efficient teams.
Community and Collaboration: Leaders in Tech Retreats include a curated community of founders and executives. Participation in this program provides an unparalleled opportunity to connect with leaders and peers from diverse backgrounds that can serve as a valuable resource for partnerships, collaborations, and sharing best practices.
The financial investment in Leaders in Tech is an investment in the future success and culture of our company. The return on this investment will not only be evident in the short term through improved executive team leadership but will also yield long-term benefits by fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth.
Thank you for your consideration and support. I am open to discussing this further at your convenience and providing additional information to address any questions or concerns you may have.